Article and Interview with Hanshi Sokuichi Gibu

Seeing what it means to live with others through Karatedo

English translation by Mayumi Kanai

YUHO-All Japan Amusement/Entertainment Association Magazine #176 January 2006

President Gibu Sokuichi san

—The character ‘do’ has so many meanings.  Reason, justice, basis, true form of universe, principle, idea, duty, virtue, etc.  Not only fine arts and martial arts, when you face anything with ‘do’ your world becomes broad and deep.  Mr. Gibu says there is no such thing as contentment.  Karatedo has been his total life.  What he got through 50 years of Karatedo is….  (December 2005 in a hotel in Okinawa)


64 years old Mr. Gibu still practices and instructs many deshi at the dojo. “Kids clearly distinguish who’s tough and who’s not.  Being not a weak one but definitely not a tough one, I wanted to develop my strength somehow”.  When in junior high school in 1956, he knocked on the door of Shorin-Ryu master, Mr. Shugoro Nakazato.  After engaging himself deeply in Shorinryu under Mr. Nakazato’s supervision, Mr. Gibu built Butokukan in 1979.  At the moment, Mr. Gibu has more than 1,000 deshi and branches in the US and Argentina.

“Young ones or anyone who are interested in combative sports often focus more on ‘win or lose’ and give themselves a pressure to win tournaments.  But the character of Budo is absolutely different.  If you have a wrong attitude, there is no way you can lead anyone.”  Then what is the character of Budo?

“In Budo, you are the axis of everything.  While establishing good mind and body, you clarify the relation and differences between yourself and the environment surrounding yourself which are constantly changing.  Then you notice there are not many differences, rather lots of similarities in the relationship.  ‘Do’ of harmony.  I began to show respect to anyone in Karatedo and also anyone in my everyday life.  That’s one thing I noticed a change in myself after starting Karate.”

In one magazine, Mr. Gibu had an interview about imposing Okinawa’s controls of Pachinko.  He corrected the word ‘control’ as he didn’t think that was the right word.  After discussing over and over, understanding each other’s opinions, and approaching to mutual agreement, that can’t be a ‘control’.  That shows his way of thinking and seeing life.

As for Karate itself, it sounds like Karate is a powerful and violent martial art.  However, if you know more about Karate, you realize it’s rather calm and peaceful.  Karate, the Okinawan traditional martial art, was originally called ‘ti’ and became ‘kara-te’ establishing the style of fighting only with own body and farming/fishing tools back in 1500 and 1600.  In Okinawa, there were three areas fighting with each other.  ‘Ti’ (hand) the origin was made for Okinawa wishing to stop fighting with dangerous weapons, and to unite three areas into one Okinawa.  The sharp but quiet Kata shows Karate is made with many hands of the people who simply wished for the eternal peace.

“In tournaments, you can see win and lose, but you can see who’s strong and who’s not even on streets if you practice Karate for a long time.  Not only knowing how to correspond to movement but you can also avoid any conflict even before it occurs.  Tournaments are not the goal but just a part of practice. Karate is such a quiet and peaceful Budo and you practice to be able to see things with your own mind’s eye. “

“Mr. Nakazato is now 85 years old but he and his wife are well known as a lovely couple.  He is such a family man.  Karatedo needs healthy mind and body, and having a wonderful relationship with your family is a must to become better in Karate.  Mr. Nakazato is a real martial artist.” said Mr. Gibu.  As the person who sees the meaning of the life with others, what it means to collaborate with others, he also mentioned his grief about increasing crimes by young people.  “I wish I could show them what it means to have a life through Karate, and rebuild their good spirits.  Therefore, I will keep working for communities.”  The real meaning of Karate seems to be how to master keeping harmony with others and surroundings. “