From the NORTH or WEST
Washington, D.C. Area: I-95 South (Richmond), take I-295 East to (I64/Williamsburg)), follow Norfolk signs. Take Exit 234 (199/646 Lightfoot), turn/bear right onto 199 at top of exit ramp. Take your first exit (Mooretown Road 603 West to Lightfoot Road). Get into far left lane and take a left at the stop sign onto Rte. 646/Lightfoort Road. Proceed .2 mile and turn left into the Lightfoot Crossing Shopping Center. Richmond, VA: I-64 East to Williamsburg. Take Exit 234 (199/646 Lightfoot), turn/bear right onto 199 at top of exit ramp. Take your first exit (Mooretown Road 603 West to Lightfoot Road). Get into far left lane and take a left at the stop sign onto Rte. 646/Lightfoort Road. Proceed .2 mile and turn left into the Lightfoot Crossing Shopping Center. From the EAST Norfolk, VA: I-64 West to Williamsburg. Take exit 234A (199 East/ Lightfoot). Take your first exit (Mooretown Road 603 West to Lightfoot Road). Get into far left lane and take a left at the stop sign onto Rte. 646/Lightfoort Road. Proceed .2 mile and turn left into the Lightfoot Crossing Shopping Center. Williamsburg, VA: Follow Richmond Road (Rte. 60) toward Lightfoot. Turn right onto Lightfoot Road (Rte. 646) at the Toyota dealership stop light. TheLightfoot Crossing Shopping Center. is .4 mile on the right. |