All dojos/clubs outside of Okinawa wishing to join/transfer into the Butokukan must apply directly to a Hombu Cho/ branch instructor. The Director will carry out an evaluation of each applicant and then make a decision based on the results of the evaluation/application period.
1) Prior rank is not necessarily transferable and are evaluated on a case by case basis. Traditionally on Okinawa, Yudansha are asked to drop one dan rank when transfering from another group from the same style, higher ranks especially. Gaining knowledge should be the basis of a dojo seeking membership, not rank. |
2) Membership in this organization is not taken lightly. Strict standards for teaching methods and collective student standards/expectations is a highly-scrutinized quality that will be evaluated. Normally, there will be a one (1) year probationary membership, which can be extended. |
3) Membership in Butokukan does not limit participants from attending other association’s events. However, “membership” in another martial arts organizations must be approved. Members that wish to be involved in other organizations must obtain written permission first from their instructor and then the North American Director. If deemed necessary, this permission can be revoked at any time and for any reason in light of the politics that surround the world of martial arts. |
Please do not inquire if you are: |
1) Hold multiple black belts from multiple organizations or have changed from a number of different styles or groups. |
2) Concerned about maintaining current rank or testing for your next |
3) A commercial school that promotes elementary school age black belts and rapidly promotes students through special programs. |
Tanren/Kigu Undo
Traditional Okinawan training methods are focused on not only improving the effectiveness of techniques but also on protecting vital areas of the body.In the Butokukan, students train in a variety of Kigu Undo (equipment training) such as nigiri game(earthen jars), chishi (power stone), ishi sashi (stone locks), Makiwara (striking post) and sunabukuro(sand bag). Ude and ashi tanren (arm and leg conditioning) are also emphasized to condition the body through methods such as kakie and kotekitai.

The kata curriculum of Butokukan karate follows the same syllabus of Sokuichi Gibu’s teacher, Shugoro Nakazato, Hanshi/10th Degree Black Belt, Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Karate. All students learn kihon and fukyugata in the early stages of training with the primary focus of kata study beginning with Naihanchi.
Empty Hand kata practiced: |
Kihon Ippon, Kihon Nihon, Kihon Sanbon, Kihon Yondan, Kihon Godan, Fukyugata Shodan, Fukyugata Nidan, Fukyugata Sandan,
Naihanchi Shodan, Naihanchi Nidan, Naihanchi Sandan, Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nidan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yondan, Pinan Godan,
Passai Sho, Passai Dai,Kusanku Sho, Kusanku Dai, Chinto, Gojushiho
Kobudo kata practiced: |
Shushi No Kun, Kubo No Kun, Sakugawa no Kun, Sakugawa Dai Ni
Nunchaku ichi, Nunchaku ni,
Nakaima no Sai ichi, Nakaima no sai ni, Sai san no kata,
Tunfa no Kata, Eku no kata, Nakaima no Kama
Kobudo is part of the Butokukan curriculum and not a “seperate” rank certificate/cost.
Additional Kata: Kanegawa no Timbe, Kanegawa no Nichogama, Kubagawa no Nunchaku, Choun no Kun, Maezato No Tekko
Contact free sparring (iri kumi) is emphasized with kicks to the legs, body, head and contact punching to the body. (Kyokushinkai rules) Dojos are welcome to practiced tournament style (sundome) kumite for competition but iri kumi is encouraged.